Thursday 5 July 2012

Welcome to my daring adventure…

These days, I’ve found it’s easy to become preoccupied with daily distractions, instead of taking a quiet moment to stop and remember what it is that feeds my soul. More often than not, those things that are most important, that are a brighter reflection of the person I am, seem to get lost in the greyish-blur of everyday living.
I have a passionate desire to live with a more honest, authentic approach to the world, with a focus on creativity and artistic expression and to make the most of the very short time that is gifted to us. So, I’m starting this blog to force myself to stop, think and share my thoughts about creativity and what inspires it in myself and others - in whatever form that may take.  I have a particular obsession with delving into the lives of people, places and artifacts of the past.  I love the Belle Epoque and Art Deco eras and find them a constant source of interest and inspiration.

If you are wondering about Mossy and Tangle, they were born out of the musings of George MacDonald in his short story The Golden Key.  When he wrote Mossy and Tangle into existence, he revealed a faery world of infinite, imaginative possibility. Many years ago, I was introduced to The Golden Key.  Since then,  his short stories have captured me. One of my favorites is The History of Photogen and Nycteris: A Day and Night Mahrchen.  You should be warned however, that these stories might have the effect of sweeping you into some distant, romantic kingdom of princesses, wolves and witches.  If you decide to venture into his world, you will discover his talent for painting with words.
Writing this blog is something of a daring adventure, so beginning with two, young, wide-eyed travellers like Mossy and Tangle seems like the right place to start. 

"Mossy and Tangle took each other’s hand and walked away into the depth of the forest.  In his right hand Mossy held the golden key."

George MacDonald, The Golden Key, 1867

xxx Ness

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